Resolute Forest Products

Client: Resolute Forest Products
Location: Calhoun, TN
Size: 721,000 SF
Services Provided:
- Building Envelope Testing / Design
- Structural Engineering
- Roof Replacement Design
- Construction Administration
- Project Management
Unique Challenges
Due to corrosion and deterioration of steel purlins that supported the precast concrete channel slabs, many of our reroofing projects have involved the replacement of the steel purlins and the roof decks. Several of these replacement projects were located above operating paper machines. Our team specified the use of a temporary ceiling over the machines in order to protect RFP personnel and to maintain paper production.
Because the project site is a working paper mill, our team has effectively communicated with RFP staff to ensure paper production has never been shut down during construction.
Our Value Add
Our durable roof membrane and drainage designs have resisted the harsh paper mill environment thus giving RFP long lasting roofs and walls thus promoting a significant cost savings to plant operations.
Our record keeping of projects since 1984 and our continuity of personnel assigned to handle projects at RFP have provided great value to RFP as members of their engineering staff have changed during the past thirty-six years. We continue to provide building envelope designs and expert advice to RFP and plan to assist RFP for many more years.