Mauldin High School
Raymond tailored a maintenance program for Ashley Capital in which written descriptions of maintenance performed, repair procedures, budgets for life expectancy of the roof, and leak history. Our team conducted an in-depth roof evaluation survey for building 1 and 2 addressing the roof surface and membrane system.

Client: Greenville County Public Schools
Location: Mauldin, SC
Size: 10,000 SF
Services Provided:
- Building Envelope Design
- Roof Replacement Design
- Testing
- Construction Administration
- Project Management
Unique Challenges
Spray rack testing of the curtain walls did require working around building columns that restricted access (in some cases). Raymond worked to ensure all testing procedures were properly administered without damage to the existing or new windows (due to constrained access).
Our Value Add
As the building envelope architectural and engineering (A/E) service provider, Raymond has provided timely and immediate service to Greenville County Public Schools. Our team’s experience working with the owner has allowed us to provide best-in-value support on a consistent basis and with rapid turnaround times.
Our team has been able to correctly support and staff the multiple project phases and apply best practices to each phase. For example, during the bid phase, our team leveraged multiple lessons learned from numerous projects where Raymond hosted the bidding process and consistently identified the best contractor.