General Mills Facilities
The General Mills Facility in Covington, GA has nine buildings with a total square footage of approximately 500,000 square feet. The General Mills campus includes two manufacturing buildings, warehousing, a water treatment building, guard house, administration buildings, and other miscellaneous buildings.
Raymond was contracted to provide roof asset management services, including visual surveys and moisture scans across 51 separate roof areas. Raymond performs annual visual inspections, database management, warranty inspections, and leak response to General Mills on an on-going basis.

Client: General Mills
Location: Covington, GA
Size: 500,000+ SF
Services Provided:
- On-Call Roof Surveys
- Roof Replacement Design
- Building Envelope Testing
Unique Challenges
To meet General Mills’ requirements for stringent cleanliness and air quality standards, Raymond provides recommendations involving designing roof systems and construction materials best suited to meet the owner’s hygienic standards.
As Raymond has supported this location for many years, we aim to be a resource to new plant management during personnel transitions. Our team works hard to keep this from creating any communication gaps or potential operational issues. Raymond takes a proactive approach to staying in communication by following up with the point of contact (POC) to ensure they have received our reports. Our team also schedules meetings with any new POCs to clarify our role on the project and what we require to successfully perform our duties.
Our Value Add
Raymond maintains responsiveness and assures timely delivery of designs and specifications. This has resulted in a seamless transition between the construction management and quality assurance phases for each project.
With our team’s tracking and providing the status of roof conditions, the owner can make better decisions while planning their yearly budget. After establishing our drone program, Raymond performs drone infrared surveys of the General Mills facilities. By using our drones, our team can perform infrared surveys significantly faster and with greater detail than we had previously performed on foot.